As many of you know, we have been in Israel for 1 year and 4 months! Here are Jack & Savannah talking a little about what they like and what they have experienced in Israel over the past 16 months:

Watch (above) what Jack & Savannah have to say!

Living life in Israel.....

We continue to learn how to live in Israel!  Interacting with the culture and learning the language...sometimes it is difficult and sometimes surprisingly fun: it's definitely always an adventure. We have a come a long way, but at times it feels like we have so far to go...

Swinging at the park...
Swinging at the park...
Tammy, Patrick, and the Wilsons!
Tammy, Patrick, and the Wilsons!
Jackson is 10!
Jackson is 10!
Jackson, Savannah, Matti, & Tsurry
Jackson, Savannah, Matti, & Tsurry
Savannah is holding a bible study with Jackson and a few other friends
Savannah is holding a bible study with Jackson and a few other friends
Savannah, our family's "personal chef"
Savannah, our family's "personal chef"
Savannah's cinnamon rolls
Savannah's cinnamon rolls
Savannah's Cinnamon roll......ready to eat
Savannah's Cinnamon roll......ready to eat
The kids having our version of Chick-Fil-A for dinner.
Driving to Christmas Eve Service
Jacob & Sydney going to a youth camp called Katzir
Ukelele for Christmas
Ukelele for Christmas
Beautiful roses from our yard
Lemons from our yard
Lemons from our yard
Patrick & Rami
Patrick & Rami
Tammy, Katie, & Ellarie
Tammy, Katie, & Ellarie
Family leaving for Pesach Seder
Pesach (Passover) table setting
Sydney preparing food for Passover
Sydney, her friend Zahava, and Ellarie
Sydney, her friend Zahava, and Ellarie
Jacob camel-riding in Jerusalem
Jacob camel-riding in Jerusalem
Sydney on a camel in Jerusalem
Sydney on a camel in Jerusalem
Tammy & Patrick, Tammy's parents, and also Avi & Hannah
Tammy & Patrick, Tammy's parents, and also Avi & Hannah
"Mutants" in our house!
at a wedding
Savannah's "slime" Birthday Party. She is 12!
Tex-Mex we made for the Young Adults
Noya & Hagit making burritos
Thankful for the electronic English menus we can use at some rare places in Israel
Chicken & dumplings
Chicken & dumplings
A Hebrew beef-cuts chart
A Hebrew beef-cuts chart

Home Schooling.....

Our kids continue to work on their schooling and Tammy continues to pour herself out daily in this task!

Jacob helping Jack with school
Jackson reading
Sydney doing schoolwork
Jackson showing his Shabbat School work
Sometimes you do school, and sometimes your feet do the learning
Sometimes you do school, and sometimes your feet do the learning

Media School for Patrick....

Patrick continues to spend about 10 hours per week attending the Tiltan School of Design & Visual Communication.  Currently he is learning graphic design which he hopes to be able to add to his skillset and to augment his filmmaking.

Tiltan School of Design & Visual Communication
Tiltan School of Design & Visual Communication
Currently learning to use Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, & InDesign
Currently learning to use Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, & InDesign
Aft Project for Tiltan
Aft Project for Tiltan
View of the Haifa port from Tiltan with the Krayot in the background
View of the Haifa port from Tiltan with the Krayot in the background

Family Day.....

Although we are not always successful at making it happen, in order to help our family adjust to life in Israel, we continue to try to spend one day per week together as a family, doing a fun activity or visiting a place in Israel that is new to the kids or to all of us.

Our family on the farm with Tehila Morrison Ellis
Our family on the farm with Tehila Morrison Ellis
Seeing animals at a local farm
Seeing animals at a local farm
Goats at a local farm
At Mt. Hermon
At Mt. Hermon
At Mt. Hermon
At Mt. Hermon
At Mt. Hermon
At Mt. Hermon
At Mt. Hermon
At Mt. Hermon
At Mt. Hermon
A rare pepperoni pizza close to Mt. Hermon
A rare pepperoni pizza close to Mt. Hermon
Green hill in the Golan Heights during springtime!
Green hill in the Golan Heights during springtime!
Patrick, Jacob, Jackson, Savannah, & Sydney (& Honey) on a hike in the Golan Heights
Wildflowers in Golan!
Wildflowers in Golan!
On a hike in the Golan Heights
On a hike in the Golan Heights
More flowers!

Thanks for reading to the end!!!